Wednesday, November 4, 2009

italian food vs nz food.

ok so italy is known for having great food right? well at the beginning i couldn't have agreed more. every meal was like going to a restaurant and every snack was another delicacy. I knew that the first week the food would be the best because my host mum was making her 'best dishes' and i had to try everything which was typical to sicily. But now i'm soo sick of the food. the same thing every bloody day and no change in flavour, its always got something to do with carbs cheese salt cream tomato and never meat! Italian food is good but I'm bored to death with it and it's made me realise how NZ has a really multicultural and diverse cuisine. Here most people havn't tried sushi or indian or a greek souvlaki, and even though these foods aren't ours they're definitely fast food in NZ. I miss having something different every night! I've even made a list of the food I'm going to eat the day i get back which also proves how stupidly homesick I'm getting. Italians prode themselves on their cuisine but really its only good in small doses. and just because you can boil a pot of water and put pasta in it for the right mount of time doesn't make you a good cook!!!
My host family is quite weird too she's obsessed with adding bread to everything I mean how carb loaded does bread crumbed pasta sound? that was the other nights dinner. And today i came home exhausted and starving after a long hot day at school and lunch was literally mashed fucking bread with garlic oil and tomato in it.
I try and tell people who're feeding me i can't eat too many carbs and must eat breakfast but they can't get it through their thick italian heads! The most common reply is 'the mediterranean diet is the best in the world' yes aspects of it are fish and veges and unproccessed things are but the italian diet isn't. anyway hopefully next update will be a bit more positive i just need to vent!


  1. Hi Charlotte
    I have just read all your latest blog entries out aloud to Mr Wood, you are very perceptive. We always comment about how we miss Indian food when we are in Italy, their food is so regional. When you are doodling in class how about doing some fashion designs for your storyboards??? Get yourself a sketchbook and just build up your ideas, clippings from mags, brochures from fashion shops etc etc. We have been to three movies this week as the Italian film festival is on in ChCh - fantastic.

  2. hahah that last post was probably a bit exaggerated! But i miss having etnic food as fast food. But great news I'm moving to the art school hopefully so no more boringness. I have actualy doodled some fashion drawings. sounds good. im goig to buy some fashion books i think. and very exciting my friend's parents own arestaurant just out of catania and gabbana (OF DOLCE AND GABBANA) was there. but she missed seeing him. anyway exciting!
